Sunday after the Nativity
Gal 1:11-19

A reading - from the Letter to the Galatians

Brothers and sisters: I assure you, the gospel I proclaimed to you is no mere human invention. It came by revelation from Je|sus | Christ.

You have heard, I know, the story of my former way of life in Judaism. You know that I went to extremes in persecuting the Church of God and tried to destroy it; I made progress in Jewish observance far beyond most of my contemporaries, in my excess of zeal to live out all the traditions of my an|ces|tors.

But the time came when he who had set me apart before I was born and called me by his favor chose to reveal his Son to me, that I might spread among the Gentiles the good tidings concer|ning | him.

Immediately, without seeking human advisers or even going to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before me, I went off to Arabia; later I returned to | Damas|cus.

Three years after that I went up to Jerusalem to get to know Cephas, with whom I stayed fif|teen | days.

I did not meet any other apostles except James, the brother of - the - Lord.